Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Wet Jeans

So for all of you that ever ride a bicycle, and find yourself at some destination without a "rain fender" or other device that stops rain from shooting off of your rear wheel and onto your butt and back. I feel you. Like most others, I try to time it so that I leave when there's a break in the rain or snow; but I often find that my efforts are for naught when the rains pummel me with a renewed fury. After the intensity of the ride through the rain, I like to enjoy what I think is the best part of the experience. Wet jeans.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Design for the other 90%

This is an interesting exhibit in new york where designers created devices that had the possibility to drastically improve income and living conditions of farmers in impoverished countries.

NY Times video story on "Design for the other 90%"

This is the "Q Drum" which allows people who had to carry water for miles on their heads or with wheelbarrows to carry it in a less stressful way.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

More Than Words

Yes, even you can play the song "More Than Words" with this tutorial!!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

So this is what they mean...

Use this guide to decipher craigslist personals.

Monday, October 22, 2007

We Are Open!@

DSC_0400, originally uploaded by choedg.

We are open for business!

David Blaine Strikes AGAIN!!!


Monday, September 24, 2007

popcorn head

popcorn head, originally uploaded by choedg.

My head is popcorn